الأحد، 23 فبراير 2014

me and my lover part 5

hello everyone  (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
how are you ?? (︶ω︶)
Good ?? (≧ω≦)
well i'm sure you are   (∩__∩)
if you wasnt then i hope you will get better ♥‿♥
me ?? (º_º) 
actually, i'm not that good (╯3╰)
i got many troubles thise week (╯ಊ╰) 
and i dont know even where to start (╥_╥)
it all began at saturday, the day after valentine,when i was playing basket ball in school, everything were normal and fine until a girl push me, i fell on the right side of my face !!!
everybody think that i died (it not my first injury ) but i just get up with a big and swollen hit
almost nobody helped me !! girls continue their match and my teacher didnt even care
except my bestfriend, she is the only one who help me and try to find a way to stop the injury to get worse
the big problem was my parents, i was already sick that day ( i got cold,diarrhea ) and i told them that i will not play sport, so i was just thinking about an explication for my parents about the injury .
i cried and i was really scared, i almost didnt talk in the french class T_T
in my way to home, my best friend was with me, i was really nervous and i tried to hide the injury with my hair and glasses.
i entered to the house, i said "hello" to my parents, and it seems like they didnt notice the injury, they were very busy because they were going to work, they told me "bye" then leave.
 alone in the house, i go to see my face in the mirror, my injury get more and more worse !! it get bigger, i get very angry and angry and angry !! so i just take a scissor and i cut my hair !! see what an angry diabetic can do XD XD
dont worry, thank god it wasnt looking bad
i look right now like a girl from a korean drama XP 
 i stay at home.i call my mom on the phone and i ask her if there was a natural medecine for swollen injuries, she get scared and ask me if i got one, and i was like :"no mom, of course no !! it just my friend who want this medecine !!"  
she told me that there one, it Almond oil ( well many of you wonder why i use natural medecines, it because i got allergies plus i use insulin needles )
i go to search it and i find it, i do some for the injuries and i go to sleep
i sleeped for more than 5 hours, my parents come back from their work and they saw my injury while i'm sleeping !!! they wake me up and start to ask about it, and i just told them the truth
they were very angry because i didnt told them at first, they said that i will not do anymedecines because it too late, and i should wait so the injury can disappear.
at sunday, the injury get better, it not swollen anymore and i was thinking that everything is fine, but sadly it not !!
while i'm eating with my parents in the night, my dad noticed a blue color under my eyes !!! i go to see in the mirror again and yeah, my eyes are blue T_T
i get angry a little because i really love my face and i dont want to lose my beauty XD my parents told me it normal because this is how injuries heal themselves.
monday morning, i didnt go to school, you know,  students and friends gonna make of me a joke, plus, i wasnt ready to see my lover T_T >__< x__x  
 i was in my bed, drinking a cup of liang cha (chinese Herbal tea) and reading a book by Danielle steel, then i heard someone knock in door, i go to see and i get surprised because my friends come to see me ^__^  they get scared a little for the injury but i told them that i'm fine :) they give me lessons that i missed, exams list and homeworks XP 
they said to me a great big new : my lover asked them where i am, he get worried for me !! like how i told them, they said that i'm okay and everything is fine !! 
i dont want him to know that i got injuries, i dont wanna make him worried and scared for me ^^
so after this, i decide to go to school at Tuesday, and yes that what i did .
okay, that day wasnt good, everybody start to look at me and asked me what happen to me !!
like seriously, this is not your fucking business !! can you just stop staring at my face ???
everyone know me in the college and know that if i punch you on the face, you definitely need a plastic surgery !!
but i calm down XP
 the most saddest thing in the whole story is i can't play sport anymore, like i take a rest from sport, and i couldnt even play in the championship
my team (of course) lose the match, it make me like responsible or ... i dont know !!
anyway, i didnt see my lover except one time, we just said "hii" to each other.
i was still not ready to see him face to face !!
i hope he wont tell me that i am ugly  XD
that was the "bad" part of my story
now let see the Good part !! 
the good part is "The results of the first session of the study"
and finally here are the results !!!! 
i was very excited, and scared xp xD but i was sure that i got perfect notes 
so my general point is 17,81/20 (shit, i'm close to 18 T_T)
and for subjects points, i got 19/20 in arabic, french and Islamic Studies ( i am the first ^^)
18/20 in sciences, physics and technologies/information studies (i am the first again ^^)
17/20 in Social Studies, math, art (the first in math and art, the second in the social studies ^^)
and 13/20 for sport and Family Life Education (i am in the rank 26 for sport and 17 for family life education o__o (✖╭╮✖)(¬_¬)  (╥_╥) (╯_╰) (╯3╰)(◣_◢) )
really ?? after this injury and all things i do for my team i got 13 in sport, seriously my teacher is a jerk, i'm sorry but he is, like he never help us or do something for us, he doesnt care about us and he even dont know our names !!
and for miss teacher of family life education, she didnt come to school 5-6 months ago !! we didnt even do exams about family life education !! 
i wonder where this 13 come from !!
there alot of my friends didnt got good results, the college actually turn to a funeral !! everyone is crying !!
ahh okay here the important thing: i was waiting for my lover,i want to know his results but he is just gone !! i mean i didnt find him and i heard that he got bad results T_T my poor Oppa !!
i'm still looking for him and still not found him
right now, i'm on vacation for a week
it good so i can take a rest and 
inchaa allah my injurie will get better ^^
okay, that was the part 5 of "me and my lover" , even if i talk about my injurie more XP 
haha see you next time <3 <3

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