الثلاثاء، 20 يناير 2015

The story of my life part 5

ahhh my final tests goin to start tomorrow...
i got 12 subject, arabic, french, english, science, physic, social studies, islamic studies, computer and informations studies, technology, art, math and ... sport xD
yess, there even a sport test, i will run, it's cooper test (shit)
until now, i cant say that i'm ready, well somehow i am, and somehow i am not xD
yes, i'm excited a little, and scared ....
not of the tests, but i just dont want to forget what i revise , it's too much xD
i hope everything will be good .

finding my number and my class number was hard, there alot of lists , classes, and more than 300 student i guess, i was about to blieve that i didnt pass or i'm not goin to pass xD i read these lists more than 3 times, when i found my name, i get sure to know the students who are with me in the class, thank god there nobody that i hate or i swear i will shoot someone xD 

i just want to end all of those tests now, and take my vacation, omg , i got a month of vacation, i just cant wait, i miss partying the whole night, and waking up at the 11 am of the next day xD drinking tea and watching TV , reading books, listening to music, and the best thing is to stay at my house, alone, with my parents, and i dont have to see some people faces outside everysingle day xD

i also miss some friends, i mean the internet friends xD and my family, my ...cousins ( yes i know they're annoying but c'mon xD )
yessssssss, i miss watching horror movies, the only reason why i'm not watching them now, it's because of my tests xD i dont want to see something scary , well, those stuff doesnt scare me, but now, i'm sensible and i dont want to freak out, i dont want those scary negative ideas xD

i still cannot blieve that my tests are tomorrow xD 
omg, time goes too fast !!
wish me the good luck .

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