الأربعاء، 17 يونيو 2015

the story of my life part 11

yeah, ramadan will start tomorrow inshaAllah....... on the same day of my finals xD
yeah, its pretty hard, i know, for the other students, i kind of worry about them, i don't fast anyway, y'all goin to think i'm lucky, well maybe but i still have to study hard and remember all of what i learned, my head really hurts and i feel like there is books on it,  tomorrow i have 3 tests, Arabic , History/Geography and Islamic studies, than French,Physic, Math and Science on the next two days, i feel nervous, i'm trying to stay calm and think in an optimist way, i really want to end all of this now, i had enough, its been like a week for preparation and getting ready, and honestly , i'm still not ready, you know, i got some doubts about many stuff but i really wish that everything will be fine tomorrow.

everybody know that after this, summer will start , yeah finally xD do you know that nobody really expected that tomorrow ramadan goin to start ?? my parents were very surprised , they want it on Friday xD 

okay, all i want to say now is happy ramadan, wish you all th best , and wish me the best too, i'd love to  more but i should go to get some rest so..
may Allah help me and help you
love you <3

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